Music has always been my greatest hobby... As an amateur, I've been playing piano for more than ten years. I've also stuied musical theory and history of music at the Académie de musique de Forest. For now, I'm studying and playing pipe organ at the "Académie d'Uccle".
These musical pages are divided in the following sections:
Organ-related material: you'll find here a selection of links to webpages about... pipe organ, of course !
Sheet music available online: this section is dedicated to some transcriptions I made of Van den Kerckhoven's versets for organ. You'll also find some links to online sheet music archives.
Links about music in general.
Organ-related material
Here are some websites about organ. You can also check the sheet music section of this page for some organ-dedicated scores.
Pipe organ in Belgium:
Everything about organ... in Flanders, Belgium, Netherlands. This a flemish site containing many valuable links.
Orgel Kunst: "The Flemish magazine on organ art in Belgium". The title says it all...
More to come...
Organ building and internals:
John Cook's organ history site: Despite its title, this site contains a huge section about the functioning of the organ. Really good site !
Orgues d'Alsace: this French site also contains a lot of information on the internals of an organ (most of all in the "Architecture" section).
L'hydraule: another French site which aims at being a documentation center on the pipe organ. It provides access to works as the famous "Art du facteur d'orgue" by Dom Bedos.
L'art du facteur d'orgue: This site also presents some excerpts of the famous book by Dom Bedos (in french).
More to come...
Other links:
The encyclopedia of organ stops.
Sheet music available online
Here, you'll find some scores I've typeset by myself, thanks to Lilypond, the GNU musical typesetter. These scores are freely available and distributable, as well as their Lilypond source, which means that you can freely modify them, as long as you don't remove the original copyright (of course, you can add your own for the modifications)
You'll also find a list of many other sites that provide free access to sheet music.
Van den Kerckhoven's versets
These pieces have been typeset from the original manuscript, which is available at the Royal Library of Belgium. For organ manualiter:
Verset 8 in A: Lilypond source
With the orignal tenor (C) clef:
pdf file,
ps file.
With a more readable trebble clef:
pdf file,
ps file.
Verset 9 in A: Lilypond source
with the orignal tenor (C) clef:
pdf file,
ps file.
with a more readable trebble clef:
pdf file,
ps file.
More to come...
Links to other free sheet music archives
This list doesn't intend to be exhaustive !
Werner Icking Music Archive: many scores from many different composers (including Bach's Kunst der Fuge, Scarlatti' keyboard sonatas, and many more...)
This site also has a "link" section with many interesting sites
The Mutopia project: this site is a repository for many scores typeset with Lylipond (you can find there: Bach's inventions and symphonias, Mozart's string quartet, a.s.o.).
The sheet music archive: contains free editions of public domain classical music (scanned scores in PDF).
Johann Tufvesson's site: contains "modern editions of a lot of music from the 17th and 18th century, many of them not available in any other modern form".
The choral public domain library: huge site with many, many scores !
Musique ancienne de clavier: site in French (an english index is also available), which gives access to several reprints of lesser known pieces of ancient composers (like the chanoine d'Archambaud de Carpentras...).
Bach's organ works: on a russian (!) site: the organ concertos, the Orgel-Büchlein, some preludes and fugues. Funny to see how to write Bach's name in Cyrillic !
Mundial directory of free sheet music: the name says it all ! A good site with many many links. But it's up to you to sort and get rid of the junk.
Here are some (more or less) interesting links about music:
Classical Midi archive: more than 9'000
Rec music foundation: texts of
a lot of lieder and art songs
Bach Central Station: Everything
you've ever wanted to know about Bach (serious or not...)
The Canons and Fugues of
J. S. Bach: Very interesting site about the Bach's fugues
nd canons. Animated timelines let you understand their structures.
The Bach Cantatas:
texts and translations
Bach's << home page >>...
La société Philharmonique
de Bruxelles
Last update:
Tue Aug 10 16:02:20 CEST 2004